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CEO and Founder
About Iris Productions LLC

Welcome to Iris Productions LLC, where storytelling is an art form. Founded in 2023 by CEO Kyle Gazzigli, our mission is clear: to craft captivating narratives that leave a lasting impression.

Elevated Storytelling: Our Passion

At Iris Productions, 'Elevated Storytelling' is more than a slogan; it's our commitment. We're dedicated to taking storytelling to new heights, creating narratives that resonate across various domains.

Diverse Expertise, Dynamic Narratives

Our portfolio spans weddings, social media content, corporate clients, live events, and short films. We thrive on versatility.

Why Choose Iris Productions?
  • Experience: Led by CEO Kyle Gazzigli, we understand the power of storytelling from both creative and strategic perspectives.

  • Quality: Our commitment to 'Elevated Storytelling' ensures each project is a masterpiece.

  • Versatility: We excel in a wide range of video production genres.

Join Us on This Journey

Explore the possibilities of 'Elevated Storytelling' with Iris Productions LLC. Contact us today to craft your unforgettable narrative.

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